Month: April 2020

14 Apr 2020

COVID-19 Statement

In an effort to contain the coronavirus, Canopies WA is encouraging anyone who has travelled outside of Australia to consider not attending the business premises until they are confident they have not come in contact with someone who could potentially spread the virus.

At this stage there are only a small number of cases identified in Western Australia. In an effort to keep the virus at bay we would sincerely appreciate all customers to use common sense and stay at home if they have any flu-type symptoms or have travelled to a place where the coronavirus has had high exposure.

We have introduced the following Precautionary Measures:

Although there is no current requirement to adjust our daily activities, the following additional precautionary measures have been put in place:

  • Hand sanitizer has been placed at the entrance. Please use this as you enter the premises.
  • Certain doors will be wedged open over busy service periods, minimizing the need to touch handles.
  • Frequently touched areas (door handles, eftpos machine, vehicles, etc.) are being regularly sanitized.
  • Chairs are being regularly sanitized.
  • We would encourage customers to reduce personal contact such as handshakes, etc. (Please do not be offended if someone refuses to shake your hand.)

At this stage we do not feel it is necessary to cancel any bookings but if you feel that you are not comfortable attending then please notify staff asap so we can re-schedule. We believe that if we all are diligent and wash our hands and reduce contact with others this will assist.

We sincerely thank you all for working with us during these strange times.

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